Bursaries and Scholarships

NUS Chemistry has constantly strived to create the best and an inclusive environment to ensures quality education to all. We constantly update our curricula in keeping up with the advancement of theoretical and laboratory teaching in the discipline; we strive to renew our laboratories with comprehensive range of equipment for students to experience the modern techniques in chemistry; and we encourage collaboration and partnership with the industry for our students to acquire practical R&D skills through working alongside the professionals. We believe that, with sufficient resources, we can do even more in enriching the learning and lives of our Chemistry students and better prepare them to strive in the unknown future.

In addition to bursaries and scholarships provided by the University, the Department also receives gifts to set up various endowments in support of our students. These bursary, scholarship and awards have benefitted our student recipients tremendously, relieving them of financial load and enabling them to achieve academic accomplishment.

The following are some major funds that were contributed through our alumni for various purposes:

All undergraduate bursaries and scholarships are centrally administrated and disbursed. Please write to us at chmljo@nus.edu.sg if you have enquiry on how to contribute to these worthwhile causes.