The Tan Sau Fun Bursary

Professor (Mrs) Tan Sau Fun, the first woman Professor in NUS Chemistry, passed away peacefully at the age of 80 on 28 February 2011. In remembering of Professor Tan, the Faculty of Science and Department of Chemistry have established an endowed Bursary in honour and in memory of her life and her contributions to Science and Chemistry from 1960 until 1995. This would indeed be a fitting way to exemplify and amplify Professor Tan’s very significant contributions to the education and welfare of our undergrads. Read more about Professor (Mrs) Tan Sau Fun here.

The Tan Sau Fun Bursary supports students majoring in chemistry in their second year and above. The support is in the form of one time grant of S$4500. The same students may receive the Bursary in subsequent year subject to their financial situation and academic performance (CAP > 3.0 for the past semester).  Students need to apply for NUS Financial aid in the first place to be the eligible for the Bursary.

The pooled gifts were successfully endowed in 2012 to enable us to disburse the first bursary in Academic Year 2013/2014. The full list of awardees can be found here. It is heart-warming that our alumni have pooled together to establish Fund in honour of our professor. Your supports and gifts have certainly make a difference!

We welcome alumni and friends who are keen to help us in fulfilling the commitment to the pursuit of a holistic education for all deserving students. Please write to to find out more about giving to this Fund.