Alumni & Giving

In the long history of Chemistry Department dating back to 1929, we have thousands of alumni who graduated over various eras (Raffles College, SU, Nantah, NUS) and many are now well established in the society. The Department always hopes to reconnect and forge new bonds with our alumni, as well as provide platforms for alumni to network with each other.

We are very fortunate that Chemistry alumni have been continually and relentlessly giving back their time, effort and gifts to help the Department and our students in various ways. It is heart-warming also that our alumni have pooled together to establish Funds in honour of several professors. Your gifts, large or small, is certainly making a difference by allowing us to set up bursaries, scholarships and awards for the students!

We welcome our alumni to join us in various events such as commencements, open houses, homecoming, anniversaries and reunions. You can also help by providing some words of advice to our students at career fairs, networking events, or by making available internship opportunities to them. To find out more on how you can participate, or how we can help you link with other alumni, just email us at