NUS Chemistry Department Seminar

July 2024

5 July 2024

10.30 – 12.00

Studies in Homogeneous Gold Catalysis – Method Development & Ligand Design by Professor Fabien GAGOSZ

Professor Fabien Gagosz from Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada will give a research seminar on “Studies in Homogeneous Gold Catalysis – Method Development & Ligand Design” on 5 July 2024 (Fri) at 10.30 am at LT33. Details of his seminar can be found here. All are welcome.

2 July 2024

10.00 – 11.30

Harnessing Non-Covalent Interactions to Address Selectivity Challenges in Transition Metal Catalysis by Professor Robert J. PHIPPS

Professor Robert J. Phipps, from the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, will give a special research seminar on “Harnessing Non-Covalent Interactions to Address Selectivity Challenges in Transition Metal Catalysis” on 2 July 2024 (Tue) at 10am at LT21. Details of his seminar can be found here. All are welcome.