Kiang Ai Kim Scholars

Below are some words from our Scholars. Click here to see the full list of Kiang Ai Kim Scholars.

Goutam Kumar Kole, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Scholar award and Best Research Publication award: Aug 2010 – Aug 2011)

I feel very glad that I am one of those who were awarded the prestigious Kiang Ai Kim scholar award in 2010 by the Department of Chemistry, NUS.  I have managed to publish 8 papers in various peer reviewed international journals and preparing a few more manuscripts. Recognition is very important and every researcher dreams to be recognised by peers on national and international platforms. Prestigious award like KAK creates a competitive environment among graduate researchers which results in better productivity. After receiving KAK scholar award, my confidence level went high and it motivates to aspire for the newer heights in future.

Liu Feng, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Scholar award and Best Research Publication award: Aug 2010 – Aug 2011)

This scholarship does help me a lot in every respect during the course of my studies. First of all, it makes me more confident during my research work. Second, it helped me to take part in some oversea conferences in which I have learned a lot from the experts in my research field.

Luo Jie, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Scholar award and Best Research Publication award: Aug 2010 – Aug 2011)

The Kiang Ai Kim scholarship award bestows me invaluable satisfaction from the fascinating scientific research work and gives me precious encouragement to continue my research career. Like all the other awardees, I am extremely honored to receive such an important award and proud to have the opportunity to pursue my research interest in a world class university.

Wong Lingkai, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Scholar award and Best Research Publication award: Aug 2010 – Aug 2011)

I am working in the field of medicinal chemistry. I will continue in this current field of study as it will be a good cause for humans and science; certainly this is a research field that is not popular but nonetheless, as what Prof Kiang has mentioned a field worth his lifetime and effort. This inspired me to continue striving for the best and carry on the spirit of doing what is best for human kinds. The Kiang Ai Kim Scholar award indeed helps me to lessen my financial difficulties and allow me to fully concentrate on my research work and not having to worry about the difficulties.

Leow Dasheng Jackson, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Graduate Scholarship: Aug 2006 – Aug 2010)

Emeritus Professor Kiang Ai Kim played a pivoting pioneer role in the establishment and running of the chemistry department from 1938-1980, spanning five decades of dedicated life to education. It is very appropriate that a scholarship be set up in the University in memory of him. As a recipient of the scholarship, I am very honoured to be in this prestigious scholarship.

Gabrielle Koh Lee Wah, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Graduate Scholarship:  Aug 2005 – Aug 2009)

Coming from a middle income family in Malaysia, graduating from NUS is a dream comes true for me. Kiang Ai Kim Graduate Scholarship has enabled me to achieve this dream. It allowed me to concentrate on my study and research without any financial struggle. I will always be grateful to the Kiang Ai Kim Fund Committee. Passion of Prof Kiang in chemistry himself is my lifelong inspiration. Hence, I will aim to achieve greater heights in food research.

Junie Tok, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Graduate Scholarship:  Aug 2005 – Aug 2009)

With the government’s effort in driving the research direction towards biomedical sciences, I was given the opportunity to collaborate with the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology on the development of molecular aptamer beacons using analytical techniques for highly sensitive protein recognition with potential application in prognosis, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. I was honoured to be awarded the Kiang Ai Kim Graduate Scholarship, which had supported me through my graduate studies that gave me the opportunity to gain invaluable experiences and equipped me with necessary skills for a successful career.

Chen Hsiao Wei, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Graduate Scholarship:  Aug 2003 – Aug 2009)

I attribute my opportunities, and the resulting exposure I have been given, to being a Kiang Ai Kim Scholar. Certainly, if I had taken a scholarship with a bond, I would not have the option of exploring other paths till much later, by which time my skills would have become a lot more niche. As a Kiang Ai Kim Scholar, I feel empowered to take the road less travelled, given that Prof Kiang was himself a trailblazer, as the first Singaporean Professor.

Chong Siew Huay, PhD (Kiang Ai Kim Graduate Scholarship:  Aug 2003 – Aug 2007)

It’s a great honour to be the first recipient of the Kiang Ai Kim Graduate Scholarship. The award provided invaluable financial assistance during my studies. It allowed me to attend and present in several international chemistry conferences, as well as pursue research attachments in Australia and New Zealand.