Emeritus Professor Huang Hsing Hua

In Loving Memory of the Life and Legacy of Emeritus Professor Huang Hsing Hua

17 April 1932 - 01 July 2021

Emeritus Professor Huang Hsing Hua passed away peacefully at the age of 89 on 1 July 2021. He will be missed dearly by his family, friends, staff, alumni and students at the NUS Department of Chemistry.

The late Emeritus Professor Huang had served NUS since 1957 and was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor from 1981 to 1994. He was renowned for his research in the field of physical organic chemistry and spectroscopy. His work has certainly contributed to lifting the image of NUS among global tertiary institutions in the early years and he was presented the Distinguished Science Alumni Award in 1999. In conjunction with the Department’s 88th anniversary celebration in 2017 and in honour of his contribution to Chemistry, a scholarship fund was established in his name (link to the fund).

This page is dedicated to friends, alumni, staff, and students who wish to share their thoughts in remembrance of the late Emeritus Professor Huang. You may write to lindaoei@nus.edu.sg if you wish to share your thought.

  • “Very sad. But we were privileged to be taught by him… This is the passing of someone who left us a legacy of love for chemistry and research that still remains with us today.” – Dr Chong Yoke Sin

  • “Emeritus Professor Huang was a gentleman in every sense of the word. My deepest condolences to his family.” – Emeritus Professor Lee Hian Kee

  • “I’m deeply sorry to hear of Emeritus Professor Huang’s passing. My sincere condolences to Mrs Huang and her family.” – Associate Professor Lam Yulin

  • “Indeed, this is sad tidings. Emeritus Professor Huang certainly helped establish the surface science lab which K. L. Tan first headed…” – Professor Andrew Wee Thye Shen

  • “Emeritus Professor Huang taught us thermodynamics in the 1970s. Many of us remember him fondly but we can’t recall terms like “entropy“ now. He was gentle with a quiet air of dignity. He was an outstanding academician who commanded respect from us. Rest In Peace Emeritus Professor Huang” – Ms Koh Mui Keng

  • “SNIC Council and members are saddened to hear of Professor Huang’s passing. We would like to extend our condolences to his family. Professor Huang is a pioneer in Singapore’s Chemistry scene and a man with vision and foresight. He was an early proponent of interdisciplinary research which is the basis of much of our Chemistry research today. He was instrumental in the early days of SNIC, serving as its first President from 1973 to 1974 and subsequently one more tenure from 1978-1992. SNIC is privileged to have benefited from the guidance and leadership of Professor Huang. His generation and many generations after will reap the benefits of his initiatives long after today. Our SNIC members will all remember him fondly. Many of us, his juniors, will remember him as one of the early leaders of Singapore Chemistry. May he rest in peace.” – Professor Loh Xian Jun on behalf of SNIC

  • “When I first joined NUS as a lecturer in 1984, he was our Chemistry Professor, and also the Deputy Vice Chancellor guiding the university in a range of academic and personnel matters. We built new surface science facilities and capabilities under his guidance. Today, these have evolved into central infrastructure for electronics, semiconducting manufacturing and a range of materials characterisations, design and industry QA technologies. Professor Huang was also instrumental in guiding the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry in its early years when it was struggling to gain local, regional and international recognition. We persisted on SNIC largely because of Emeritus Professor Huang’s support and encouragement. Despite his stature and accomplishment, over the years, he remained humble, approachable and generous, to peers and juniors – key attributes that have gained our utmost respect. His vision was extraordinary. The development of Chemistry in Singapore owed a great deal to his dedication and advice. We miss you – Emeritus Professor Huang.” – Professor Andy Hor Tzi Sum

  • “I am devastated, and completely shocked to hear that Emeritus Professor Huang has left us. He had been a great mentor of mine, who had guided and inspired me in my career and life in the last 30 years in Singapore. I joined NUS in September, 1991. I still clearly remember the time when he invited me for a lunch discussion about my research and laboratory in NUS Faculty Club in the first week of my arrival. I do not recall what dishes we had, but I did learn how to eat pineapple! At the end of lunch, we were given pineapple cubes with a small dish of what I thought was confectionery sugar. I dipped the pineapple thoroughly into the “sugar” and found that the taste differed slightly from expectation. I had to wholly swallow the first piece, so as not to show bad table manners in front of my most respected Emeritus Professor Huang, the then NUS Deputy Vice Chancellor. He was the one who secured research start-up and lab renovation funds for me, which was very rare in NUS in early 90s. He had devoted great efforts in guiding my research. We closely collaborated on nanomaterials and surface chemistry. From our discussion meetings, I learnt a lot from him on how to become a good scientist. He was very passionate and serious about science. He went through every joint manuscript word-by-word, and line-by-line with me, giving constructive feedback for improvement and further experimentation. If I have had any successes or achievements in my career and life, I would like to attribute them to Emeritus Professor Huang’s generous help and strong support in all these years. I will forever cherish his mentorship and guidance. To me, he is still alive and I will carry him forever in my heart.” – Professor Xu Guo Qin

  • “His life-long association with our University, colleagues, alumni, friends and fellow chemists have been legendry – brilliant undergraduate, postgraduate, loyal lecturer, distinguished Professor and dedicated Deputy Vice-Chancellor. I saw, first hand, his endeavours and endurance, patience and perseverance in research, inter alia, during those days of discouragement and delays especially with the dearth of funds and facilities. In spite of all these he emerged as the very first awardee of our University’s D Sc. while serving as academic advisor and supervisor to multitudes of postgraduates. His considerable contributions to Chemistry continued well beyond academia. As pioneer and President of the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry and later the Asian Federation of Chemical Societies, his attainments, record and reputation have been well documented. Although very quiet and reserved by nature, he was always there for those who need his advice and assistance, empathy and encouragement, sympathy and support. Known as a man of few words, his words were nevertheless well-chosen, befitting and beneficial. He wrote and spoke impeccably and exemplary in bilingualism. Coming from a devout family in his religion, faith and education, he showed a similar commitment in his own family life. The Chemistry Department established the Huang Hsing Hua Chemistry Merit Scholarship in 2017. It was truly fitting and timely then as Emeritus Professor Huang was fully aware of our sentiments and tributes and of the benefits of the Scholarship to our deserving students.” – Dr Lawrence Chia

  • “Very sad to hear about the passing of Emeritus Professor Huang Hsing Hua. He was a true gentleman, a prominent chemistry professor who had contributed much to chemical education in Singapore. My sincere condolences to Mrs. Huang and her family.” – Dr Mok Chup Yew

  • “It’s a real privilege to have Emeritus Professor Huang as one of my PhD supervisors. He is respected as a scientist who quests for truth and innovates for new knowledge. I still reminisce the many research discussions with him and Dr Mok Chup Yew at the DVC’s office in the old admin building. His scientific minds were sharp despite being busy with administrative work, he was never short of new ideas and would be persistent to encourage us to explore on. Thank you for everything, Prof – your mentorship, guidance and encouragement throughout my research and academic career. I am grateful for having the last chance amidst the pandemic, to meet you and Mrs Huang for dinner in April. You were then still in your usual gentle and calm mannerism, speaking slowly and pointing out some forgotten details in our recollection of the past – this will always be the way I remember you, Prof, dearly in my heart.” – Associate Professor Chin Wee Shong

  • “I am deeply saddened to hear this news. Emeritus Professor Huang was instrumental in guiding me into an academic career when as a fresh graduate, I decided to pursue graduate studies in the Chemistry Department in NUS. It was also on his advice that I subsequently decided to pursue my doctorate in Cambridge, UK. To this day, I am still very much a part of NUS, and I am grateful to him for the guidance he has given me on my career choice. He is now with the Lord, and I wish him peace and rest.” – Dr Ang Siau Gek

  • “Emeritus Professor Huang was a notable chemist, teacher, university administrator, scholar and, above all, a very good human being in every sense of the word” – Dr Sim Keng Yeow

  • “Emeritus Professor Huang was loved by all who met and got to know him for his gentleness, intellect and caring demeanour. He will be greatly missed by all. Emeritus Professor Huang has contributed tremendously to the University as Deputy Vice-Chancellor and to the Singapore chemistry community as President of SNIC. Despite his poor health condition after his retirement, he continued supporting many Chemistry Alumni activities. I am particularly pleased that Huang Hsing Hua Chemistry Merit Scholarship Fund was established during Department of Chemistry’s 88th anniversary celebration in 2017. He will never be forgotten and will live on in our hearts.” – Professor Richard Wong

  • “I had only learnt of the passing of Emeritus Professor Huang Hsing Hua this morning (6 July) on reading the obituary page of the Straits Times. I had known Emeritus Professor Huang since I joined the NUS Chemistry Department in 1981. He was one of the shining Physical Chemists in the Department. It wasn’t easy to do physical chemistry research at the University of Singapore and in the early days of NUS. Nevertheless, he persevered and produced good publications and trained a number of good MSc and PhD students, all of whom became successful in their careers. He was also a capable mentor to new faculty members in NUS Chemistry and collaborated very well with some of them in research. His meteoric rise to be Deputy Vice-Chancellor of NUS and his sterling contributions to university administration at the highest level set a role model for many of us. As President of SNIC, he brought the society to a new international level. In 1985, Emeritus Professor Huang organized the first Asian Chemical Congress under SNIC at NUS which attracted the late Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling as the star plenary speaker. He was soft spoken, contemplative, and always wore a smile. He was truly a great teacher, scholar and administrator who has inspired and earned the respect of many of us. May his soul rest in peace!” – Emeritus Professor Lee Soo Ying

  • “Emeritus Professor Huang was a kind and gentle man. I am deeply thankful that he started me on my research journey in XPS studies of polymers by sending me to learn from top scientists in the UK in 1987. It was always a pleasure to speak with him at functions after his retirement and to share fond memories that I will treasure always.” – Dr Hardy Chan

  • “I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of Emeritus Professor Huang. My sincere condolences and sympathy for the late Emeritus Professor Huang’s family. Although I only met him and Mrs Huang once during the award and appreciation event organised by the Department last year, I was truly inspired by his story and his perseverance in life. I also wish to express how blessed I feel by his generosity, having been the first recipient of the scholarship in his name. May God bless and comfort his family.” – Mr Jonathan Edward