Outreach Event Calendar

By registration

NUS Chemistry Lecture Series 

A good foundation and understanding in Chemistry empower us to create better sustainable solutions to resolve environmental issues, pharmaceutical breakthroughs, materials upcycling, energy efficiency, etc. In this effort, NUS Department of Chemistry has put together “The solutions are in Chemistry” lecture series, as we hope to share with our younger generations the beauty and potentials of chemistry. The lecture is specially tailored at pre-University student’s level. Check out the details here

Mar 2025  (Tentative)

NUS Open House 

NUS Open House is a university-wide Open House event and open to all members of the public. Grab this opportunity and get to know all study programmes and student activities offered at NUS!  Check out the details here in January 2025.

May 2025 (Tentative)

College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) Open House

CHS Open House is a faculty-wide Open House event organised on a Saturday during May at Faculty of Science. It is open to all members of the public, targeted at students with an offer of admission to the Science programme. Stay tune!

31 May 2025 (Tentative)

The 28th Chemistry•Communication Challenge

The Chem•Comm Challenge started as early as 1970 (aka Speech Contest) and challenges students to articulate advanced concepts in chemistry through oral presentation and new forms of media. Details will be published here in January 2025.

June 2025 (Tentative)

Chemistry Camp (New!)

The Chemistry Camp will provide secondary schools chemistry enthusiasts several days of non-residential learning journey at NUS Chemistry. Stay tune for further updates of the programme comprising exciting and interesting hands-on laboratory activities, demonstrations and lectures! 


Learning Journey: Visit to NUS Chemistry (by registration)

If your school would like to have Learning Journey to NUS Chemistry and/or have our academic staff to give a research talk at your school/NUS Chemistry, you could write to us here at least 2 months in advance (first come, first served basis). We welcome applications from upper secondary schools, ITE, polytechnics and JCs.