Safety Organisation

Personnel Responsibilities

  1. The Head of Department has ultimate responsibility for the provision of a safe working environment within the Department of Chemistry.
  2. All Members of the Department including all Students, Research Workers, Postdoctoral Researchers and Visitors have a duty to co-operate with the Head of Department or representative in any matters relating to health and safety.
  3. Academic Staff Members, as Supervisors or as Teaching Laboratory, Organisers and Academic Demonstrators of students, are responsible for all matters relating to the health and safety at work of students in their care.
  4. Lab Officers and Technologists in charge of Labs, Stores and Workshops are responsible for all matters relating to the health and safety at work of persons employed in their Labs, Stores or Workshops and under their care.
  5. All Employees, including Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Researchers, Research Workers and Visitors have a duty to take care of their own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by their activities.

Department Safety Committee: Structure and Roles

Legislations Applicable to Laboratories in Chemistry

  1. Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSHA)
  2. Fire Safety (Petroleum & Flammable Materials) regulations
  3. Chemical Weapons Convention
  4. Poisons Act
  5. Environmental Protection And Management Act (EPMA)
  6. Environmental Public Health Act
  7. Sewerage and Drainage Act
  8. Misuse of Drug Act
  9. Radiation Protection Act
  10. SPF, Arms & Explosive Act – Explosive Precursors Regulations
  11. Biological Agents and Toxins Act
  12. WHO Guidelines of Biosafety