Reporting accidents and incidents

In event of a dangerous incident or an accident in the Department, it must be first reported to Department Safety Office. Do not clean up the site of the incident/accident until the safety personnel has inspected it.
Dangerous incidents are defined as unplanned events in which no one was hurt but which either had the potential to cause injury or did cause damage to apparatus, equipment or the building. Accidents are defined as events in which someone gets hurt.

Contact numbers
Office hours: 6516 1760 (Johannes), 6516 2839 (GK Chuah).
After office hours: inform your PI first who will then call the Safety officer or Safety chairperson.

Following the inspection of the accident site by department and faculty safety personnel, an Incident Form must be submitted online to OSHE within 24 hours. It is compulsory under the Workplace Safety & Health Act to report any dangerous event and accident.

An Incident Form for reporting Dangerous Incidents or Accidents to OSHE is available here

The completed form must be sent online. Please note that the aim is not to apportion blame for an Accident/Incident but rather to see that it does not occur again. No one should be afraid to report such an event.
