Electrical Safety

Notice the danger signs On all electrical equipment you use, watch for signs of wear on the cable and insulation problems where it connects to the plug or equipment. Replace or rectify as necessary.
Plugs and Fuses If you put a mains plug on a piece of equipment, follow the wiring colour code:




Use the correct fuse for the equipment.

Water and electricity Wet electrical equipment is very dangerous. Disconnect from the mains before touching it. Beware of wet heating mantles.
Safety Testing All portable electrical equipment (i.e. equipment that can be unplugged) must be tested regularly.
New, second-hand and old equipment must be tested before being brought into use.

Equipment that carries a “Failed” sticker must never be used.



Examples of bad practices

Do not use electrical devices without proper insulation

Do not use electrical devices without proper insulation

Multiple adapters should not be use to avoid overloading of power points

Multiple adapters should not be use to avoid overloading of power points
