Forms You Must Complete

If you are carrying out research work in the Department of Chemistry, once you have read the appropriate Risk Assessments, then you must :

Complete the Risk Assessment Record Form for Graduates and Research Workers remembering to indicate your status (Undergraduate, Graduate, etc.) and giving a brief description of your Research project.

Sign the form and have it signed by your Supervisor.

This whole procedure is repeated annually for all Research Workers, usually at the start of the Academic Year, but must also be renewed if the nature of your research project changes substantially.

If you are using a Category 1 or Category 2 Carcinogen, a form is available to keep a record of your exposure to them.

When you have finished research work, you are required to clear any chemicals, samples, equipment etc that you may have used. A form to indicate that you have done so is available and further information can be obtained at the website.