Coping with an Emergency

Normal Working Hours: These are from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on Friday.

Precautions Know at least two routes from your workplace to an Exit.
Know the locations of: Telephones, Fire Extinguishers and Blankets, Fire Alarm Points, Safety Showers, Eye Wash Stations and First Aid Boxes.
Know how to contact Campus Security.
Know how to switch off electricity, gas, water etc. in and around your workplace.
Evacuation Procedure All tests sounding of the alarms will be notified in advance. In the event of an evacuation, follow the route given in the Dept of Chemistry Emergency Evacuation Route map.  Never use a lift.  Assemble away from danger and clear of the building.  Do not re-enter the building until you are told that it is safe to do so.
Fire If the fire is clearly minor, tackle it with an extinguisher but do not endanger yourself. Normally the sensors will detect any fire and the Alarm will operate automatically. Otherwise, operate the nearest Alarm Point and call Campus Security at 6874 1616.
Escape of Toxic Material Leave the area immediately. Close all doors on exit. Operate the nearest Fire Alarm Point. Warn people to avoid the affected area and inform Campus Security at 6874 1616.
Aiding an Injured Person


Either phone for a First Aider or if more serious call Campus Security at 6874 1616 first, then a First Aider. Even if the Alarms sound, do not attempt to move the injured person out of the building unless there is imminent danger. Stay with the injured person until help arrives. If the injury is slight they should be taken by taxi with a First Aider in attendance or, if the injury is more serious, by Ambulance.
Flood If it is obvious, stop the leak; phone Campus Security at 6874 1616. Warn people in labs below to safeguard papers and equipment. Do not attempt to move wet electrical equipment until it is disconnected from the mains.
Failure of Mains Service Failure of fume-hood, gas, water, electricity or lift during working hours, call Maintenance Response Centre at 61515. Out of hours, call Campus Security at 6874 1616.