Mechanical Analysis

Dynamic mechanical analyser (Model: DMA 850, TA Instruments) offers mechanical and viscoelastic properties of materials such as bulk solid bars, thermoplastics, elastomers, soft foams, gels, adhesives, high viscosity resins and highly-damped materials, thin films and fibers when the sample is subjected to a periodic stress with modes of deformation. DMA 850 has a capability to evaluate the changes in sample properties as a function of time, frequency, stress, force, displacement and strain and to operate within temperature range – 150°C to 400°C. DMA 850 employs interchangeable clamps to measure the modulus, damping, creep and recoverable compliance and stress relaxation.

Please note to check decomposition temperature and melting temperature with TGA and DSC before using DMA 850.

The interchangeable clamps available for DMA 850 are as follows:


DMA 850  is located at the Advanced Teaching Laboratory (S7-04-01). For further information, please contact / +65 6601 1948 (Dr Mya Mya Khin).