The 16th Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge Result


The finale of the 16th Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge was held at NUS Chemistry on Sat, 25 May 2024. This is a biennial event for secondary school, junior college and polytechnic students. During the crystal growing process, the students learn about the chemical processes behind the crystallisation and the science and art behind the marvelous crystals that we encounter on a daily basis.

A total of 86 teams from 40 schools participated in the challenge. This year, the students presented Ammonium Copper(II) Sulphate Hexahydrate [(NH4)2Cu(SO4)2·6H2O] crystals for the Junior Category and Polyhedral Single Crystal with Most Faces for the Open Category.  Their months of hard work was showcased at the NUS Chemistry Teaching laboratories for judging. During the educational session, the participants attended a special lecture on Gemology by Mr Tay Kunming, Gemologist, Director of Far East Gems and Jewellery and Far East Gemological Institute.

The event was culminated with the presentation of token appreciation to Mr Tay Kunming, Judges (Assoc. Prof. Huynh Han Vinh, Assoc. Prof. Chuah Gaik Khuan, Dr Foo Maw Lin, Dr Irwan Iskandar Bin Roslan, Ms Tan Geok Kheng, and Ms Ng Voon Kunn, Livonne), as well as presentation of awards to the winners by Mr Tay Kunming and Prof Lu Yixin.

Thank you to all schools for participating and Heartiest Congratulations to the winners!