Minor in Analytical Chemistry

Emphasising and exploiting the radial connections of Chemistry in general and Analytical Chemistry in particular, with most other Sciences, the Department offers a minor which comprises modules related to the theory and practical aspects of modern analytical techniques used widely in the petrochemical, fine chemical, polymer, pharmaceutical, environmental, electronic and materials industries as well as research laboratories.

The Analytical Chemistry minor is especially useful to Biological Sciences, Materials Science and Physics graduates who will thus be suitably trained in essential aspects of analytical science. This training will stand such graduates in good stead when they seek employment, specifically giving them an edge in terms of employability over their more specialised counterparts.

This minor is not awarded with the Chemistry major, the Applied Chemistry major, and the Concentration in Economics and Analytical Chemistry.

To be awarded a minor in Analytical Chemistry, a student must pass the following modules:

Effective AY 2019/2020

(cohort 2016/2017 and after)

Module Pre-requisites
To be awarded a minor in Analytical Chemistry, a student must pass all the following six modules:
CM1191 Experiments in Chemistry 1
(CM1111 Inorganic Chemistry 1 or
CM1121 Organic Chemistry 1 or
CM1131 Physical Chemistry 1 or
CM1401 Chemistry for Life Sciences or
CM1402 General Chemistry or
CM1501 Organic Chemistry for Engineers or
CM1502 General and Physical Chemistry for Engineers)
‘A’ level pass in Chemistry or equivalent
CM2192 Experiments in Chemistry 3 or
CM2142 Analytical Chemistry 1
CM2192 Experiments in Chemistry 3 or
CM2142 Analytical Chemistry 1
CM1131 or FST1101 or CM1401
CM2101 Physical Chemistry 2 or
CM3241 Instrumental Analysis I
CM3242 Instrumental Analysis II CM2142 or CM2192 or LSM2191
CM3292 Advanced Experiments in Analytical & Physical Chemistry or
CM3295 Selected Experiments in Analytical Chemistry
CM2101 and (CM2142 or CM2192)