Singaporean Citizens/Permanent Residents

Programme Admission Pathways

MSc (Chemical Sciences) will seek SSG subsidy for the elective modules, but not the core modules (total 20MCs) which makes up 50% of the modular requirement. Prospective students will have two different pathways towards the MSc (Chemical Sciences). A summary of the framework is as follows.

1. Direct admission route (for Singaporean Citizens/Permanent Residents: Modular Fee)
Students who are enrolled in MSc (Chemical Sciences) enjoy SSG-subsidised modular courses that are drawn from the self-funded MSc. Matriculated SC/SPR students to enjoy partial funding by SSG up to the 50% modularisation cap.


2. Stackable route, including Graduate Certificates (for Singaporean Citizens/Permanent Residents: Modular Fee)
Footnote: Green circle denotes modules that will be proposed for SSG funding.


Modular Fee (for Singaporean Citizens/Permanent Residents):

Modular fee (applicable to direct admission/CPE pathway/stackable route): CPE student who does not matriculate into the MSc programme from the start will pay for the elective modules at modular price S$5400 (before GST). Singapore Citizens (SC)/Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) may be eligible to receive course fee subsidies for SSG-funded modular courses.

Module Module Fee (4-MC) Module Fee per MC If SSG-subsidised*
SC/SPR student pay per MC SSG Subsidy per MC
Core S$5,400 S$1,350 Not applicable Not applicable
Capstone S$4,500 S$1,000 Not applicable Not applicable
Elective: PG Non-Lab S$1,350 S$1,350 S$405 S$945
Elective: PG Lab S$1,450 S$1,450 S$435 S$1,015

*based on SC/SPR SSG funding of 70% of course fees (excl. GST)