Chemistry’s Point of View (ChemPOV)

Chemistry’s Point of View

Compete and Collaborate with other players by completing organic reaction retro-synthesis schemes by answering Multiple-Choice Questions.

Organic Chemistry is often considered by students as one of the most challenging branch of chemistry. As such, students often felt de-motivated when learning the subject. This is further exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic when students’ interaction and engagement are at the all-time low. Thus, ChemPOV was conceptualised to solve these problems and increase students’ motivation to learn organic chemistry. ChemPOV is an online
multi-player board game where students compete with one another to see who can solve the organic chemistry synthesis questions first by answering organic chemistry related questions and collecting reagents from the main board. By playing with ChemPOV, it enables students to consolidate their understanding of organic chemistry concepts.

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ChemPOV has been presented at Stanford University, ETH Zurich, EPFL Lausanne, University Paris-Saclay, Technical University of Munich, Le CNAM Paris. 

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Project PI: Dr. Fung Fun Man, Assoc. Prof Lam Yulin, Mr. John Yap.