The Principal Investigator (PI) will seek approval by OSHE prior to the purchase of any chemicals listed under the Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act.
PI must inform OSHE if he or she intends to use the chemicals of purposes either than those stipulated in the initial application
A copy of the MSDS provided by the supplier must be made available in hardcopy in the laboratory at all times.
The Principal Investigator must inform OSHE of the transfer of ownership of the scheduled chemicals .The Principal Investigator must inform OSHE of the loss of any scheduled chemicals within 24 hours.
These chemicals must be kept in a storage cabinet or fridge under lock and key. The key shall be kept by the Principal Investigator. Only personnel authorized by the Principal Investigator will be allowed to use the chemical weapon.
Inventory Control of Scheduled Chemicals
The logbook system is implemented for each chemical weapon that is used in the laboratory.
Inventory records shall be regularly updated
The Chemical Weapon Logbook must contain the following information:
Name of chemical weapon in both common name and scientific name
Chemical weapon formula or composition
Date of purchase
Original quantity of chemical weapon purchased
Date of usage of the chemical weapon
Quantity of usage of the chemical weapon
Name of personnel using the chemical weapon
Activity level of the chemical weapon (radioactive source) and date of measurement if applicable
Location where the chemical weapon is kept
Name of person responsible of the chemical weapon
Name of person responsible for the key to where the chemical weapon is kept