NUS Chemistry Week 2023

NUS Chemistry Week 2023 was held from 27 May to 3 June. The week-long event comprised five fun-filled activities, including the Chemistry•Communication Challenge, a biennial scientific communication competition. More than 430 students and teachers from various schools in Singapore and alumni participated in the event.

The theme for the 27th Chemistry•Communication Challenge this year was “The role of Chemistry in Singapore Green Plan 2030”. It challenged the student participants to explore the role of chemistry in solving critical environmental and global issues, by presenting their ideas in a unique website format. Here are some of their works:


Depending on their level, students had opportunity to participate in the Synthesis workshop, where they put their practical chemistry knowledge into use and create new compounds with their own hands, the Rapid Chem challenge, a scavenger hunt plus chemistry quiz type of competition where being fast and efficient is key, the Chem Day Camp, the Science of Cooking and Molecular Gastronomy Workshop, and the Advancing the Frontiers of Science and Technology talk, for the young scholars who want to learn from the experts. Teachers also had chance to expand their craft by participating in the Chemistry Teacher Workshop, which consists of two parts: Practical and Teaching.