Thorsten WOHLAND

Thorsten WOHLAND


Postdoctoral., Stanford University (USA); ; PhD, Swiss Federel Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland); Dipl. Phys., University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Contact Information:

Office: S1A-02-12

Tel: (65)-6516-1248

Fax: (65)-6776-7882



ORCID:  0000-0002-0148-4321
ResearcherID: H-8285-2012


Research Interests

My group works on the development of new fluorescence spectroscopy techniques for the measurement of biomolecular interactions in cells, tissues, and organisms. Specific foci are:


Research Highlight

In recent years our group focused on developing image based fluorescence tech-niques in which the signal at each pixel of a camera is evaluated to determine sample structure, dynamics, and interactions and single molecule sensitivity. We have implemented these techniques on total internal reflection (TIR) and single plane illumination microscopes (SPIM). Abbreviations: FCS – fluorescence correlation spectroscopy; FCCS – fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy; N&B – number and brightness analysis; FRAP – Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching; SRRF – super-resolution radial fluctuation; SPT – single particle tracking; spFRET – single particle Förster resonance energy transfer.


Representative Publications