Judge of CHS Case Competition 2023 – Solutions for Tomorrow
President’s Graduate Fellowship, 2009 – 2013
Education and Research Interests
Blended Learning: Make learning more personalized, inclusive, and flexible for our students using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework.
Technology-enabled Active Learning (TEAL) & Peer Instruction: Enhance student learning and engagement through peer teaching & learning in a psychologically safe learning environment.
PeerWise Collaborative Learning: Deepen students’ understanding of threshold concepts in chemistry through co-creation of questions, collaborative learning, and social constructivism.
Chong, Y.Y., Student Centric Instructional Design: 7 Strategies to Enhance Teaching & Learning. In the Teaching Think Tank series, Department of Chemistry, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, May 17, 2022.
Chng, H. T.; Tay, S. E. R.; Low, I. C. C.; Ng, M. T. T.; Chong Y. Y., Motivating Students Pre- and during Challenging Times – A multidisciplinary perspective. In the Higher Education Campus Conference (e-HECC), NUS, Singapore, Dec 8, 2020.
Chong, Y. Y., 8am lectures – Every student’s (and teacher’s) Nightmare! 7 Simple Hacks to Make Learning More Engaging. In the Learning on NUS Campus 2019, Singapore, Nov 19, 2019.