NUS Chemistry Teacher Workshop 2025

The NUS Chemistry Teacher Workshop is fully supported by the Ang Kok Peng Memorial FundThis one-day workshop comprises of an educational seminar and a hands-on session on the use of virtual reality tool.  The workshop will delve into innovative methods for teaching chemistry in secondary schools, ITE, polytechnics, and junior colleges.  Seats are limited hence each school can send up to 3 teachers to participate in this workshop.

*The registration has been closed due to full participation,  please email to for any queries about this workshop.

The programme:
Date: 21 March 2025 (Friday)
Venue: Department of Chemistry, the Chemical Bonding Lounge, S8-03-01

Time Activity
09:00 Registration
09:30 Seminar in pedagogy for teaching chemistry at the secondary and pre-university levels
11:45 Lunch and interaction
14:15 Hands-on session, the use of Virtual Reality in teaching chemical safety
16:30 Closing
17:00 End of the workshop

Source: “My Virtual Lab” developed and designed on collaboration by NUS IT, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Biochemistry.