- Housekeeping:
- Rubbish and temporary storage of material presenting a tripping hazard.
- Electrical:
- Hazards due to electrical faults or from tripping over electrical cables.
- Storage:
- High or awkward shelves, unstable items.
- Machinery:
- Guillotines, staplers, scissors and other items with sharp edges.
- Lifting:
- Heavy or unstable objects.
- VDE use:
- Musculo-skeletal disorders from poor posture, poor arrangement of equipment and eye strain from poor lighting, incorrect spectacles, fatigue and stress.
- Practice good housekeeping in the office especially with regard to walkways and fire exits.
- Electrical equipment, see the Risk Assessment “Use of Standard Electrical Equipment”. All portable electrical equipment (typewriters, computers, desk lights etc.) must be tested from time to time and carry a sticker recording the test. Care must be taken that cables do not trail across walkways.
- Only one drawer of a filing cabinet should be open at one time so that it cannot topple over. Objects should not be stored on high or unstable shelving.
- Potentially dangerous machinery like guillotines or shredders must be properly guarded to prevent damage to fingers and hands. Extra care should be taken with sharp edges or points. Even the edge of paper can cut which is all the more painful from being unexpected.
- Take great care when lifting heavy or awkward items.
- VDE use. See the Risk Assessment and Check List for Visual Display Equipment.
Apart from general experience, office workers may require frequent update training in the use of office computer software.
Level of Risk Remaining
Slight but significant in the area of musculo-skeletal disorders due to improper posture or typing techniques in the use computing equipment.
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Adapted with permission from School of Chemistry, University of Bristol