Experimental work left running unattended poses special risks in terms of fires and floods and must be carefully controlled. The following rules apply:
- Unattended running of experiments may be carried out only when absolutely necessary.
- Experiments involving overnight refluxing of solvents must be within a ducted fume-hood. All water lines must be fixed securely.
- All experiments left on must have a notice on
- stating Experiment in Progress Please Leave On
- and indicating potential hazards in plain English e.g., “Flammable solvent”, “Contains Toxic Material”
- and the name and telephone number of the person who is responsible for it:- This must be a realistic telephone number where you can be contacted at all times because you may be called out at any time to deal with your experiment.
- If at all possible, this information should also be posted in a prominent position external to the laboratory.
- If an unattended experiment is set up in a fume hood, the lighting for that fume hood should be turned on.
- Electrical equipment left on should carry a Do Not Switch Off notice in yellow card giving the name of the person leaving the equipment and a contact phone number. For large permanent equipment like Electron Microscopes, NMR equipment etc. contact numbers should also be posted external to the laboratory and Emergency Electrical OFF switches clearly identified within the laboratory.