Fume-hoods in the Department of Chemistry are of the built-in ducted type that vent to the outside through outlets on the roof. The sashes should be kept down as far as possible for maximum efficiency in coping with the removal of vapours. Proper work practices for fume hood users include:
- Set your work up at least six inches behind the plane of the sash.
- Never put your head inside an operating fume hood to check an experiment. The plane of the sash is the barrier between contaminated and uncontaminated air. Work with the sash in the lowest position possible, especially when working with explosive materials. The sash will then act as a physical barrier in the event of a mishap in the hood.
- Do not clutter your hood with bottles or equipment. Keep it clean. Only materials actively in use should be in the fume hood.
- No apparatus should be protruding from the fume hood. This would make it difficult to close the sash fully in an emergency.
- Do not use a fume hood as a storage cabinet for chemicals
Examples of Bad Practices

Never stick your head into the fumehood when working.

Do not clutter your fumehood with bottles and equipment.