Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

NMR measurements provide identification of unknown materials, determination of chemical structures, quantification of components in a mixture and analysis of conformational and molecular dynamics. NMR is a non-destructive technique that allows a full recovery of the original sample.

Our NMR lab houses 3 solution-NMR spectrometers (400 MHz and 2 x 500 MHz) and 1 solid-state NMR spectrometer (400 MHz, wide bore, 4 mm probe). These allow us to provide routine services such as 1H, 13C, DEPT and other X nuclei measurements, and special experiments such as 1D NOE, solvent suppression, homo decoupling and variable temperature experiment. We can also provide 2D NMR tests such as COSY, NOESY, HMQC, HMBC, TOCSY, etc.

NMR services is located at S8-01-02 (NMR Lab), please contact / 6601 7397 (Mdm Han Yanhui) or / 66017419 (Dr James Loke) for further information.

If you are ready to submit sample for NMR test, please click to download the request form: