Mechanical Safety

Carrying solvents Winchester bottles of solvents may be carried in the corridors or lifts only in carriers (maximum load per person, two carriers) or on appropriate trolleys
Rotary equipment Equipment with rotating parts, e.g. stirrers, rotary evaporators, rotary pumps must not be allowed to catch hair or clothing or any trailing wires or tubing.
Gas cylinders Large cylinders of compressed gases must be moved only in proper trolleys (which are designed to be pushed, not pulled) and transferred carefully to positions where they can be securely strapped. Only the minimum number of cylinders should be kept at any station. If a cylinder trolley is showing signs of wear or is giving any trouble, inform Lab Supplies.

There are a number of types of regulators in use with different pressure scales: mark on your regulators the maximum safe pressure for routine work in your laboratory.

Never attempt to fit compressed gas cylinders if in doubt.


Examples of bad practices


Proper cylinder trolleys should be used for carrying gas cylinders.

Proper cylinder trolleys should be used for carrying gas cylinders.
